I Am A Whore

So I have a confession to make. I am a total whore. For feedback on my blog of course!

Why, what have you heard?

See, I have spent pretty much my whole career competing against myself, not giving a crap what anyone else thought of me. I always knew I was doing my absolute best and my results spoke for themselves, so their opinion didn't really matter. Plus I've worked with a bunch of idiots over the years, but that's a different discussion altogether.

Anyway, then I had a kid. And sold my business. And kind of moved away from all that. And started a blog.

And when I started blogging, I wasn't even really certain if anyone read it. To be perfectly honest, I wasn't certain if I WANTED anyone to read it. It was safe not to have anyone judging my very personal thoughts.

I first started blogging just as a way to put the insanity of my day into perspective and kind of keep a record, so that when I was old and gray and sipping from my bottle of Mad Dog through a straw, I could point to the blog and guilt Sterling into paying for my retirement villa in Bora Bora. Or Tahiti. I'm not really picky, as long as there are hot cabana boys.

But back to the topic. Publishing that first blog post and then sharing the link on FaceBook was one of the scariest things I have ever done.

It took me two hours to actually get up the balls to do it. And as soon as I did, I texted my girlfriends M and L for moral support. When the first person read it, I was elated. When the second person did, I was thrilled. And as the numbers grew, I was beyond floored. My goofy, fried, rambling posts were actually resonating with people!

For the first time in a long time, I was thrilled to get the feedback!

And as more and more people are referring their friends to my blog, posting links on their FaceBook pages, and Tweeting my posts, I am more and more amazed to get notes from total strangers and see  readership grow all over the world (I don't even KNOW anyone in Turkey).

So when I got the most amazingly sweet note today from an old friend who had read the blog for the first time, I was blown away. It brought it all back to me how great it is to be able to reach people through something that I love to do so much. And it's funny how every note, every response, every comment really does make my day :-)

I truly am a whore. A feedback whore :-) So bring on your responses!!!

What do these have to do with my blog post?
I could explain it, but I would rather let you use your imagination ;-)


  1. I LOVE YOU!!! All I could think of was the day at the beach when you and John arrived several hours before Rae & I did. Our conversation on the day's weather will be a forever smile inducing memory of mine!!!

    1. Thank you! And here is something crazy... can you believe that was 15-FREAKIN-YEARS-AGO?!?!?!?!?!?
