Do You Smell?

I think it's important to stop and smell the roses.

No I mean it. REALLY stop and smell the roses. Or lilies. Or peonies. Or whatever flower is on hand at this moment. It doesn't matter what the flower is, or even that it's a flower. What matters is that you stop and take a few minutes each day, every day to appreciate the joy and beauty around you.

I had a freak accident yesterday, one that easily could have turned out way worse than it did.

On the way to the emergency room, I sat and thought about the "what if". What if that had been my last day? What if I hadn't come home from the accident? Would I have lived the kind of life I wanted to, would I have left behind a legacy that I would have been proud to leave?

Anyone who reads this blog regularly would probably agree, I have some crazy crap happen in my life. But part of that, a big part, is that I live life big. I took the training wheels off a long time ago, and I wring as much living out of my life as I can.

I have GREAT, crazy stories and a lot of that is because I take great, crazy risks.

I love hard and in turn, I am loved equally as intensely.

I tell people what I honestly think and feel, and I value it when they also take a genuine approach with me.

My kids are brilliant, fascinating little monsters and I love fostering their passion and excitement for life.

And I love my life. Every crazy, hectic, mayhem moment.

So ask yourself, are you living your ideal life? And if not, why? Take the training wheels off. You may bang your knees a few times (OK, probably a lot), but I promise that if you stick with it, you will learn to fly.

Because you won't ever get this moment back, but you can make sure it is so memorable that you never forget it.

Love life, enjoy the adventure, and stop to smell a rose or two on the way ;-)

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